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Strategic Plan

Advancing our Strategic Plan: Priorities that accelerate our strengths in faculty-led mentoring and career preparation

Students making their way to and from classes.

Beloit College is well-known for its innovative liberal arts programs that meet the needs of the moment, preparing our curious, courageous, and entrepreneurial students to succeed, to lead, and to build a future that works for everyone.

Today’s need? To overcome the headwinds facing higher education in general and liberal arts colleges in particular: the decline in college-age population, skepticism among some about the value of attending college and related concerns about career preparedness. Colleges that thrive will be those that stand out from their competitors with a clear plan to address these challenges.

This is that plan for Beloit College … one developed and implemented through the ongoing collaboration of faculty, staff, and students, shared governance at its best.

Beloit’s approach builds on our tradition of providing a personalized, student-centric approach to education, rooted in deep student-faculty and student-staff relationships that allow us to integrate learning and doing. Institutions without Beloit’s cultural history of faculty involvement in and excitement about advising, mentoring, and the practical application of the liberal arts cannot replicate what we offer.

Beloit College is a clear leader in connecting a liberal arts education with faculty-led mentoring and career preparation throughout the entire student experience — leaving a lasting imprint. Beloiters grow passionate about their time here and remain connected to the college and one another for a lifetime.

Our accessible learning environment — where students are welcomed and invited to engage in high-impact practices such as internships, community-based learning, living in shared interest communities, and collaborative exploration — establishes Beloit College as a place where students want to be.

The Path Forward

Beloit College has an ambitious five-year strategic plan to advance our financial health through a combination of increasing enrollment, net tuition revenue, and fundraising to healthy and sustainable levels.

The list of strategic plan success drivers: new initiatives, accelerating Admissions strategies, ... Our plan’s approach centers on (1) launching new initiatives, (2) executing admissions and marketing strategies, (3) reallocating resources strategically, and (4) executing fundraising strategies. Strength in each of the first three focus areas will increase applications, yield, and retention.

Central to our plan’s success is launching Impact Beloit, which integrates and expands initiatives that enhance the student experience through advising and mentoring and career readiness while bringing the college’s community-based learning initiatives under one umbrella.

At the same time, we are well aware that the college’s long-term success — its ability to thrive — depends on the quality of the people we are able to attract and retain as well as the quality of the physical spaces in which we build our community and in which students live. Exciting programs need to be led and supported by talented and dedicated staff and faculty who are proud of their relationship to the college and enthusiastic about their future here.

A college that believes in the value of the residential experience needs to ensure that the home that we promise students feels like a home, that the learning spaces support learning, and that co-curricular spaces help bring to life all the terrific and creative ways that students interact with each other and faculty and staff in and outside class. The careful interplay and intentional balancing of resources among people, places, and programs is essential for thriving. The college’s long-term business model keeps these factors in front of mind.

The college has identified four success drivers:


Beloit’s focus on graduating resourceful students ready to bring multiple perspectives to solve problems in a complex world has deep roots. Starting with the Beloit Plan in the early 1960s and evolving into the Career Channels program and Impact Beloit, the college has an impressive legacy of deepening and strengthening learning through experience. Faculty advisors revel in their instrumental roles in students’ lives, tailoring their support and advice to them as individuals.

Competitors without Beloit’s cultural history of faculty involvement in and excitement about advising, mentoring, and practically applying the liberal arts would find our strategy — and differentiation — difficult to replicate.

Our campus is an inspiring proving ground where principled non-conformists celebrate creativity and unconventional thinking, and where the devotion to a quirky pseudo mascot (a turtle) speaks volumes about Beloit’s daring to be different.

Through this plan, Beloit College demonstrates its commitment to preparing our students to enter — and thrive — in the turbulent world that lies ahead.

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